Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Memilih Taska

Memilih day care center

Setelah hampir 3 tahun aku tinggalkan berfiir akan perkara ini, tiba2 aku kembali perlu meneliti hal ini.

Apa yang perlu kita lakukan ketika memilih day care center/Taska

Jangan terburu-buru memilih mana2 taska.
Lakukan lawatan dan tanya apa yang sepatutnya.
Kalau Taska yang OK/berdaftar mereka akan layan kita..Kalau nak tak nak tu tak yah fikir cabut je terus.

Spend at least 1 hour untuk perhatikan sekeliling dan aktiviti depa.
Bagus pergi hari ada budak la.

Antara yang perlu kita tahu:

The child care Director's qualifications?Owner tu la kan

* Has the Director of the child care center got a bachelor's degree in child care or a child related field?
(aku tak sure sebab hari tu aku tak lepas ni aku kena tanya)

* Has the director got at least two years experience in working in child care?
(Owner dulu 10 tahun lebih buka Taska..yang owner baru aku tak tau...ada kata dia pernah ada taska tapi gagal)

* Does the Director understand the importance of the early years in a child's life?
(yang dulu OK...yang ni gua tak tau)

The lead teacher or head of child day care center staff

* Does the lead teacher have a bachelor's degree in child care?
(Tak derk..tapi aku consider experience dia tapi dia dah tak ada...dah berhenti)

* Does the lead teacher give the appropriate toys for the child's age?

* Is the lead teacher experienced, have they worked in child care for at least 1 year?
( 8 tahun tuh..tapi....)

Is there enough child care supervision?

* Do the children receive enough supervision, ask if they are supervised while they are taking naps.

* What discipline procedures does the child care center have? For example do the children understand it? Is the discipline fair? Is it consistent?
(ni ikut anak sapa...ada anak org 'tu' tak faham...naik hangin juga aku)

What is the child care center's policy on cleanliness?

* Are older children taught to wash their hands after using the bathroom?

* Is the place where nappies are changed clean, is the bathroom clean?

* Do care givers make sure the child is never alone if being changed off the floor; do they keep a hand on them all the time?

* Do care givers clean and sanitize the changing area after every change?

How many child carers' work there?

* What is the staff to child ration, are there enough carers to ensure that each child gets the attention they need?

* What policy does the day care center have regarding unruly children or children with learning difficulties?

Are all child carers qualified in giving first aid?

* Do the carer's know how to give basic first aid?
(sat lagi petang aku nak tanya)

* How many carers' have a certificate in first aid including resuscitation techniques?

* Are all staff trained in safe sleeping policies for example, are the children on their backs without stuffed toys or pillows around them that could suffocate them?

Medication you child might need?

* Are the carer's trained in giving medication to those that need it?

* Is the medication kept in a safe place and clearly labeled with the child's name, age and address?

Play areas and play grounds

* Are the areas in which the children play safe?

* Is the outside area fenced off?

* If there is a sandbox is it cleaned everyday?

* Is the grounds inspected everyday for hazards?

Ni semua aku search kat Internet ya...kan aku kata nak apa2 tanya pak cik google.....

so....aku ada banyak homework ni.....


Diver Mom said...

banyaknya homework... leh ingat ke semua soalan nak tanya nanti..?

saya anto baby Alisha start dari lpas pantang.. insya Allah lpas ni nak pindah umah.. mungkin anto kat babysitter kat situ je kot..

Ngan nurseri da macam2 kami tempuh.. 2 kali masuk wad (sebab:bronchitis ~ berjangkit batuk dari baby lain), dan baru-baru ni kena penyakit kulit apa ntah.. macam dmam cmpak je.. uih.. da tak sanggup!

betul la kata org, kalau anta anak kat nursery / taska, kena prepare fizikal, mental, emosi dan yg paling penting, duit! (in case anak x sehat.. dmam dll..)

But lain baby, lain ketahanan diorang.. so, good luck! :) all the best...

Fid said...

soalan2 tu bkn my homework
I ask more than that..:P semua tu takyah ingat sbb akan naturally keluar...

my homework mende lain hahaaa

oh sepanjang hampir 3 years akif kat taska..

mmg admitted sakit bagai tu ada...tapi tak pe
dia bukan anak boleh sakit....

bronkitis tu mmg rasanya setiap bdak akan kena..teruk dgn idak aja la
bermula dr selsema..anak incredible je kot tak selsema..

me OK dgn taska and i plan to move sbb tu ingat balik bab memilih taska ni



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