Tuesday, September 25, 2007

liquid milk

Aku bercadang nak kenalkan Akif dengan liquid milk (cow's milk)
Disebabkan aku suka minum yang keluaran DL...pun search la dengan tajuk DL fresh milk...

Maka aku jumpa ini

Do Dutch Lady milk products contain preservatives?

No. All Dutch Lady milk products -- both liquid and powder products -- do not contain preservatives. Instead, they undergo special heating treatments that kill bacteria and the packaging is sterilised so that there will be no bacteria to spoil the milk products before the expiry date.

What are the differences between UHT, pasteurised and sterilised milk?
Which liquid milk is best?

UHT is a process that uses temperatures not lower than 135‹C for at least 2 seconds to kill all bacteria in milk. The milk is then packed in an enclosed, sterilised environment. It can be kept for 10 months at room temperature if the pack is unopened.

Pasteurised milk is processed at temperatures not lower than 73‹C for at least 15 seconds, then immediately reduced to 4‹C and maintained at that temperature until consumed. It kills only the pathogenic bacteria (bacteria that make you sick). Because of this, pasteurised milk has to be kept refrigerated all the time (even if unopened) and its shelf life is short (4 weeks).

Sterilised milk is treated with a temperature of not lower than 100‹C heating for a length of time. Since it is packaged in bottles, additional treatment of the bottles is required to ensure the sterile condition of the product. As a result, the sterilised milk can be kept for 8 months (if unopened) at room temperature

All liquid milk is equally good and delivers the same nutrients that fulfil growth requirements. Your choice very much depends on circumstances such as convenience, preference in taste or storage choices that you prefer.

What is the difference between fresh milk and full cream milk?

Fresh milk is fresh from the farm, while full cream milk is recombined milk with added ingredients for a creamier taste.

Aku dah khabarkan kepada pihak Taska Akif tentang plan aku nanti..
Mereka mencadangkan agar aku bekalkan liquid milk dalam kuantiti yang kecil (kotak kecil)

Aku pun search
Aku plan nak bagi dia 'fresh flavour'..Tapi tak de kotak kecil (250ml) ada yg 1l aja...Jadi aku fikir nak bagi 'full cream flavour' ajalah.OK tak ya?

added ingredients for a creamier taste ni aku tak tahu apa mende.Nak kena gi baca kat kotak susu la macam ni.

Ohh..Btw..Akif masih breastfeeding dan aku masih mengepam. EBM masih dibekalkan.
Minggu ni aku dah kenalkan dia dengan soy milk. Dia minum 1-2 kali sehari..2oz per feeding or less
Aku ada juga pelawa dia minum DL choclate flavour kat rumah tapi dia kata.."yekk busyuk"...Agak2nya kalau bagi fresh milk dia akan react macam mana ya?

Aku akan terus direct breastfeeding AKif dan akan terus megepam. Insya Allah selagi terdaya...So far ok je...Dah 2 tahun takkan bila anak 2 tahun mula nak kata tak larat kot...

Ramai orang tanya berapa lama lagi aku akan BF Akif ni?
Mmm..susah nak jawap la...Tok sah tanya la soklan macam ni...

Breastmilk is the best for your baby?

Akif are u a baby?
No no no...
So, can we 'take' a baby to our home?
No no no no....Acif nyi be-bi laaa
Oh...So u r a baby right?
Yepp be-bi...nyak nyen nyak nyen..


knv said...

he he he he comelnyee....

Fid said...

sapa yg comel?aku ka?hahahahaa

knv said...

bulehlaa.. dua-dua pun comeyy...

wanie said...

akif baby lagi ye...belum ready nak ade adik lagi la tu...comel la...hehehe

Rizza said...


hassan pun same le...susah aku nak bagi susu fresh (bukan direct darik lembu tau...yg kat supermarket le...yg dah commercial tu dlm botol leee)....
aku campur milo pun tak mau ..siap suruh bersihkan balik lidah dia ko...

nuhaafnan said...

salam fida, anne ni silent reader fida. hmm babe fresh milk ni, anne cuba jawab kat SI nyer forum ok, boleh share experience.

pinkytoe said...

aku tak tau la akif cam na. Tapi alesha masa dia baru lepas setahun dulu aku penah cuba fresh milk DL. Dia tak nak minum pastu cam dia luahkan loya siap bunyi uwek uwek lagi. La ni kekadang aku bagi DL perasa choclat yg kotak kecik tu. Dia mau minum banyak la. Bagi perisa strawberi tak selaju choc dia minum. Aku rasa kalau ko nak cuba fresh milk gak, maybe ada masalah kot. Try aje la freshmilk dulu pastu baru flavored milk.
Just buah fikiran gue..


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