Friday, September 21, 2007

Missing child

Al Fatihah buat Nurin Jazlin
(Kalau benar itu adalah dia)

Aku pada mulanya, tak ambil kisah nsangat tentang kes kehilangannya. Dulukan Kes Yin tu.Happy ending. (Aku macam masih percayakan rakyat malaysia ni prihatin dan baik2 belaka) mmm....
Tapi bila keluar satu berita ttg mayat kanak2 dalam beg tu aku dah terdetik..Mungkinkah dia.

Dan hari ini, didada akhbar semuanya kisahnya.

Aku tak boleh terima apa jua alasan yang diberi tentang punca kehilangan dia...
Kenapa dia ke pasar malam sendirian?
Wangsa Maju....Kawasan yang pesat padat kan?

Kenapa penjenayah jahanam tu cilakok sangat huh?
Dah tak ada 'modal' lain ka?Kenapa dia harus diseksa begitu?Apa dosa kanak2 malang itu?
Marah geram....

Nak share artikel ni dapat dari forum
(Thanks to kuireena)
Aku rasa artikel ni rentetan dari kisah kehilangan Yin...

8 rules to keep your child safe

23 April, 2007

ANIZA DAMIS speaks to psychiatrists and psychologists on their 'dummies guide' on how not to lose your children

There are several rules to minimise the chances of losing your child

Rule No 1: Parents cannot throw the onus of safety on the child.

"No matter what the age of the child, parents should never assume that a child is capable of looking after himself," says consultant psychiatrist Dr Rose Peng.

This is especially so in a busy shopping mall.

"It is very common to see kids running around without their parents in malls," says University Malaya Medical Centre psychiatrist Dr Subash Kumar Pillai.

"Either there is no one to look after the child, or worse, a young child is taking care of an even younger child."

Rule No 2: Parents should teach children about danger and safety boundaries.

According to Dr Peng, children are generally distrustful of things that are unfamiliar to them. Because of this, parents need to teach children about what is safe and what is not.

What adults know about going out in public and keeping safe is an adaptive skill that requires training. Children should be taught to always keep in sight of their parents.

The way to do this is to teach them limits.

"Start off with a small area," says Dr Peng. "Take your children to a playground or a small park where they are safe to run around and play, yet at the same time, they can practise checking for their parents."

Later, increase the limits by taking them to a bigger park.

When the child is comfortable being in public places, parents can then take the child to slightly bigger places, like a small shopping mall.

But, cautions Dr Peng, "this does not mean that you can roam all over the mall".

"Just take the child to the toy shop, then maybe for a snack, then straight home."

Parents are not to view these expeditions as a time to enjoy themselves, warns Dr Peng. It is strictly a training outing.

In teaching about dangers, however, child psychologist Dr Kana Kanagasingam believes that it is important that parents do not create fear in children.

"Don't tell children 'a bad man will come and take you'. Instead, tell them stories, or point to news stories (like what happened to Yin) as an example of what can happen."

Rule No 3: Hang on to your child, and never take your eyes off him. And make sure at least one parent or adult is in charge of the child.

Of course, teaching children to keep within sight of parents does not mean that parents can stop keeping track of where their children are.

The child's safety is still the parents' responsibility.

"Most of the time, a child goes missing because someone assumes that the other person is keeping an eye on the child, when in fact, no one is," says Dr Subash.

With children aged between 2 and 5 years, parents need to keep a constant eye on them.

"You can't expect children not to get lost," says Dr Peng.

All three agree that attaching a child to a leash is not the answer.

Dr Kana believes that parents should never let go of the hand of a child aged under 6.

Rule No 4: Always have a contingency plan.

Even if a child has been taught not to stray, and the parent knows not to blink, it is still possible to become separated from each other.

What to do then?

Always set a nearby spot where the child can go and wait for a parent to fetch him, says Dr Peng.

Confine the waiting place to a specific section. If you are in a bookstore and are at the children's section, the waiting spot should be one corner of that section.

The place could also be where there are responsible adults, like near the cashier's counter.

For children aged below 6, an identification bracelet with the child's name, a parent's name and contact number is a good idea, says Dr Kana. This also applies to children who are developmentally challenged.

Children should also be taught to seek help from trustworthy adults like cashiers or a uniformed person.

Rule No 5: Teach your children what is expected behaviour, and penalise them if they flout the rules.

Before going out, parents need to make sure children understand what is acceptable behaviour and what is not. For instance, a child must hold on to at least one parent's hand.

If the child does not do this, then parents should cut the outing short and take the child home.

Developmentally-challenged children, who do not learn action-consequences in the same way, should be taught that if they keep hold of their parent's hand, then they will be given a treat. If they let go, they donft get a treat.

Rule No 6: Don't take children to shopping malls just because there's no one to look after them at home.

Children have short attention spans and get bored easily.

If the purpose of an outing is shopping, then children should be left at home.

"Take children if you are shopping for them or if you are training the child about how to buy things," says Dr Peng.

But even then, parent and child should only buy one or two things, and then head straight home.

"If parents want to do their own shopping, or if Mummy wants to have a long tea-and-gossip session with her best friend, it is not appropriate to bring the child along."

Taking children to big shopping malls during the weekend and sale season is a big no-no, says Dr Kana.

If parents want to take children to malls, then it should be as a family outing to a luncheon treat; nothing more complex than that.

"If you must go shopping, then make sure one spouse is paying attention to the children.

"And if you need to go to the toilet or anywhere else, then you must take the children in with you!" stresses Dr Kana.

Rule No 7: Make sure your child has a group of friends.

Bad people choose children who look vulnerable; so they take loners. School-going children should be taught to always be in a group, and never to walk alone.

"If you look like you have somewhere to go, and somebody to look after you, then people wonft pick on you," says Dr Kana.

It is important, therefore, for parents to take notice of whether the child has friends or not.

All children, whatever their age or mental capacity, can be taught about safety. However, it is important to realise that developmentally-challenged children have no sense of fear.

Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) or autism frequently get into problems at the mall, and must be closely watched as they tend to wander.

THE FINAL RULE is: Take responsibility for the safety of your child.

Ada yang komen, kenapa zaman kita dulu ok je ..selamat je kita gi pasar malam dalam usia semuda nurin?

Pada pendapat aku,,Kita sebenarnya tak selamat juga tetapi kita bernasib baik. Macam kes aku. aku tinggal di kampung. Satu kampung kenal aku. Mana aku pergi ada aja orang yang perhatikan aku. Masa tu aku anggap mereka 'busy body' padahal kerana perhatian merekalah aku selamat. Aku ingat kes aku terjatuh basikal tak ada orang tahu hakikatnya ada juga yang tahu....
Aku baru celup kaki aku ke parit tali air JPS tok wan aku dah sampai ngan rotan...Laju sungguh reporter....Aku baru berangan nak mandi air parit tali air JPS tu dah kena kejar balik lintang pukang...
Zaman kita dulu zaman manusia hidup bermasyarakat ambil tahu hal sesama sendiri.Kongsi kisah/kongsi cerita..
Adakah masyarakat zaman sekarang seakrab masyarakat 20 tahun dahulu?

Rasa naik bulu roma aku bila fikirkan kezaliman manusia ni....

Pada pandangan aku, penjenayah dan sekutu2nya yang menganiaya dan membunuh Nurin ini WAJIB dihukum bunuh. Tak guna kita beri peluang lagi.

Sebagai ibu bapa sama2lah kita melakukan yang terbaik bagi menjamin kesejahteraan hidup kita sekeluarga dan masyarakat kita umumnya.
Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan kita.

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