Thursday, December 28, 2006

Thanks God

“I don’t want to lose you.” That’s HIS ceo word when HE went to see him to tender his resignation letter.

HE told him, HE has no choice, to make HIS life better HE must go but HIS ceo said he will never released HIM. HIS ceo said, he will counter offer HIM.and he will fulfill HIS demand, meaning he will ensure the company will pay HIM same as what HIS new company offered.

Will they?

If Yes, HE will stay, if not……

And HIS ceo said, if he failed in negotiating increasing HIS pay, only he will let HIM go. The very touching part was, HIS ceo said, ‘the company will lose a very potential person if he go’

Really?Oh…Thank God…They realized it!

Dia bertanya kepada aku, apa pendapat aku. Yes! Aku inginkan dia pergi tetapi dia seakan-akan berat hati meninggalkan company sekarang. Aku berikan dia pilihan, seandainya company sekarang memang akan ‘offer’ better or same as new company he can stay, if not he MUST leave the current company. His reply was “YES”.


Anonymous said...

who is he? cik abe ke?rezeki ujung tahun dan awal tahun tu? Happy new year and All the best for year ahead :)

Anonymous said...

Tahniah Yui!!! Your wish came true. Happy New Year baby!

knv said...

Dilemma..dilemma….aku hangin tul kalau nak counter2 offer ni….masa orang nak resign masa tulah nak puji melambung2!! Sebelum tu tak terpikir ke yang kita ni memang bagus?? Masa boss aku nak blah last year gelabah gile management aku dulu. Siap nak bagi profit sharing. Bestnya bile boss aku dengan bangganya telah menolak tawaran profit sharing tu..he…he..he.. padan muka company aku!

Anyway, kalau pros lebih dari cons, then by all means… STAY!!! Kalau boleh upkan lagi surat offer tu bior dapat gaji lagi tinggi…he..he..he.. inilah peluang terbaik,,,,bila lagik??


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