Friday, February 29, 2008

dilema terkini

entry ke berapa hari ni???

Tiba2 aku didalam dilema hahahaaa

Bab mkn minum anak aku la
aku sedikit buntu bab nak masak apa utk anak aku itu...

aku selalu masak utk dia

  • steam salmon with broccoli/carrot/cauliflower
  • chicken soup with potato/cauliflower/carrot/button mushroom
  • chicken ball soup with oyster mushroom/carrot/cauliflower
  • ikan bawal emas/putih with potato/carrot
  • steam bawal with carrot/buncis/asparagus
  • steam tenggiri with carrot/broccoli/cailiflower/asparagus/buncis
  • sup daging with carrot
  • sayur soon with sawi/carrot/fucuk/sometime egg
itulah antara menu dia

'jajan' /breakfast dia plak

  • kerepek carrot
  • keropok ikan
  • roti bakar
  • roti kosong
  • coco cruch
  • choc chip cookies mummy
  • choc cake mummy
  • pasta
  • kentang bakar/goreng
tapi dia mmg peminat nasi kosong..pasta kosong..roti kosong..kihkihkih

anak aku ni tak suka buah...aiyoyoyo..banana je dia ok....lain2 semua dia kata pedas(logik ka???buah pedas??)
opss grape pun dia suka tp seedless ada seed kalu dia kata 'kotor'

ni ada link sikit

feeding ur toddler

suka tang ni

To begin planning your toddler's diet, it can help to begin with the idea that toddlers need a lot less to eat than you think. Remember that children aren't growing as fast as they were during their first year of life and so have lower energy needs (the amount of calories per kg of their body weight) and smaller appetites. So if your child is active, healthy, and growing and developing normally, then he is likely getting plenty to eat.

It can also help to avoid common mistakes, such as:

  • drinking more than 16-24 ounces of milk each day.
  • drinking more than 4-6 ounces of juice each day.
  • letting your child fill up on sweets and snacks.
  • forcing your child to eat when he isn't hungry.
  • giving servings that are too big. The average toddler serving is going to be about 1/4 of an adult serving size. Don't go by the serving size listed on nutrition labels, as these are mainly for older children and adults.
dan bila baca sampai abih aetikel itu
aku nattokushita..aku setuju aku faham awat anak aku kalau dok ngan aku tak mkn seharian pun bleh segar bugar...apa lagi...mummy's milk la!

1 comment:

Crazee Choc's said...

sama mcm hakimi suka mkn nasi saja.... sbb tu dia suka mkn nasi kenduri.. sbb nasi tu ada rasa.
last week pi umah wan dia.... diorang buat nasi tomato.. bukak2 periuk terus dia menjerit.. eeiii nasi kenduri.

satu lg.... anak aku tuh suka nasi lemak, nasi ayam, nasi briyani, nasi goreng.. dia pun suka mkn mee, bihun, kuey teow, spaghetti.... compare dgn nasi putih berlauk


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