Thursday, June 12, 2008

I can't help myself to love this article

Aku suka sangat article ni

Why Formula Milk Should be Illegal

Kalau ada masa bacalah ya....

There is no freedom of choice for humans
if it has been taken away from them at the beginning.
Breast-feeding is not a choice,but an obligation to the choice.Give your child the freedom of choice.


Zuraimah Ismail said...

yup...u r rite...article ni mmg best

Liyana Anaqi said...


nak mintak kebenaran tepek ye..

satu lagi, interesting spotlight.. kat ruangan "what if you cannot produce milk"
saya yg silap baca/faham ker, camner, sbb saya faham yg pregnant and lactating mothers should avoid dairy product and meat- , sbb dia ada kandungan yg imitate hormone dalam badan so less hormone akan dihasilkan dalam badan, so less milk production..

meh bincang meh, takut saya salah faham

Fid said...

betullah tu fahaman hehehe

mmg dairy producr tak berapa direkemen sgt

(dr bacaan lee)

kan kalau anak yg alergy susu lembu mak dia pun takleh minum susu lembu.....


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