Thursday, June 5, 2008

proposal- cara berjimat cermat

AMARAN: Entry panjang

Cara-cara berjimat cermat-Menyahut seruan PM

Bagaimanakah kita hendak berjimat cermat?
Andaikata gaji sebelum kenaikan petrol RM0.78 itu sekadar cukup makan?
Selepas kenaikan harga petrol, adakah kita akan tidak cukup makan?
Petrol naik 40% bermakna kita perlukan 40% kenaikan kos bagi membeli petrol.

Antara yang kita boleh buat.
(Alahai nak ubah gaya hidup)

1. Ganti segala puasa yang pernah tinggal
2. Puasa sunat setiap Isnin dan Khamis
3. Puasa sunat sepanjang tahun kecuali pada hari haram berpuasa.
4. Elakkan makan luar.Masak sendiri makanan
5. Kalau nak buat party dengan kawan-kawan buatlah pot luck ataupun kutip duit sama banyak-
6. Kalau Office dekat dengan rumah, tak perlu pandu kereta, berjalan kaki atau tunggang basikal
7. Tak perlu kerap tukar baju kerja. Kalau yang dapat uniform tu bersyukurlah
8. Yang merokok tu kalau rasa nak jimat berhentilah merokok.
9. Tak perlu beli kereta baru
10. Tak perlu beli kereta mewah
11. Tak perlu beli rumah. Worst case tinggal aja dalam kotak macam home-less kat Tokyo nun. Ambik kau!
12. Kat rumah pastikan hanya satu lampu sahaja di’on’ pada satu masa. Kalau isteri memasak di dapur, suami dan anak-anak turut berada di dapur.
13. Tanam sayur sendiri.Tanamlah sawi, kangkung, bayam, serai, kunyit etc
14. Bela ayam sendiri- kalau dok kat kampong bleh la
15. Bela lembu- ni boleh dapat untung banyak. Tapi kalau dok bandaraya nak bela kat mana?
16. Susu anak. Mahalkan?Jadi susukan anak anda dengan susu ibu.
17. Time weekend pakat-pakatlah pergi memancing. Dapatkan ikan banyak-banyak boleh makan seminggu dua. Time nilah kaki-kaki pancing boleh lepas gian.Kalau dapat hasil ikan banyak boleh jual, buat ikan kering ka, ikan perkasam ka
18. Jangan pergi berjalan-jalan. Rugi kena bayar tol and isi petrol. Dok aja dalam rumah
19. Unsubscribe astro tengok je channel free.

20. Amalkan REUSE,RECYCLE,- kutip tin-tin kosong, botol-botol plastik kosong, kertas terpakai semua jual kat recycle center.
21. Kurangkan makan nasi.makan nasi seminggu sekali. Kuruslah aku tak lama lagi. Dah la puasa sepanjang tahun! hahahahahahhaaaaa

Arghh tak larat nak menaip
Tapi pada pandangan aku segala yang aku boleh fikir ini, ada yang boleh dilakukan dan ada yang langsung tak masuk akal.

Memanglah banyak cara nak berjimat tapi kebanyakkannya kurang relevan dah dengan keadaan dan zaman sekarang ni.

p/s: To kak yan nanti kalau aku tak mau pi makan tengah hari ngan hang atas alasan posa tu hang paham2lah ya hahaa...

Ya Allah bantulah hambaMU
Berikan kami petunjuk ke jalan yang benar iaitu jalan orang-orang yang KAUredhai.
Jauhkanlah kami dari penindasan dan menindasi.
Bantulah kami.

Email dari HR dept company aku
(Ingat ka nak bagi tau nak naikkan gaji hahaha)

12 Tips To Save Petrol !
1 ) Pump up your tyres
Keeping your tyres inflated is one of the easiest and most important things. Saving petrol means saving money one can do to improve fuel economy. If a range is recommended by the manufacturer, the higher pressure should be used to maximize fuel efficiency.
Deflated tyres run hot and
jeopardize safety. It will also cause the tyres to wear out
prematurely, affect the vehicles adversely, and hurt the fuel economy
by increasing the rolling resistance.
Tyres lose about 1 psi pressure per month due to air loss caused by the
tyre hitting holes, bumps and kerbs. Therefore, the tyres should be
checked at least once a month. Just 1 tyre deflated by 2 psi will
result in a 1% increase in fuel consumption.

2) Drive at moderate speed
Avoiding high speeds on open roads resultsin safer driving and better
fuel economy. In highway driving, over 50% of the power produced by the
engine is used to overcome erodynamic drag. Drag and thus fuel
consumption increases rapidly at speeds above 90km/h. On the average, a
car uses about 15% more fuel at 100km/h, and 25% more fuel at 110km/h
compared to when it is doing only 90km/h.
However, this should not lead one to conclude that the lower the speed,
the better the fuel economy - because it is not. The fuel consumption
of an average car increases sharply at speeds below 50km/h.

3) Clean the air-filter regularly
Clogged air filters increase fuel consumption by restricting airflow to
the engine, and thus should be cleaned/replaced when necessary. Clogged
air filters can increase fuel consumption by up to 10%.

4) Use thinner tyres
Tyres with thick width will improve the handling of your car. However,
it will also increase your car's fuel consumption. Thicker tyres mean
more rolling resistance! , and thus will consume more fuel.

5) Start up the car properly
With today's cars, it is not necessary to prime the engine first by
pumping the accelerator pedal repeatedly.Do not crank the engine
excessively This only wastes fuel.When starting the engine, idle it no
more than 30 seconds to warm it up. An engine will warm up faster on
the road. However, avoid sudden acceleration before the engine has
warmed up sufficiently.

6) Drive in high gear (overdrive)
The engine runs most efficiently between around 1,500 and 2,500 rpm. To maintain these low revs you should change up through the gears as soon as practical and before the revs reach 2500 rpm.
For automatic transmission cars, you should always switch on your overdrive to help save fuel. Overdrive will allow your engine to change gears at lower revs. It also puts your transmission into an "economy" mode and lets it engage the final "overdrive" gear when cruising to keep the rpms extra low, thereby increasing fuel economy.

7) Travel light
Avoid carrying any unnecessary weight in your car. On the average, every 50kg added load in your car will increase fuel consumption by 2%. 8)

8) Anticipate traffic ahead
A driver can reduce fuel consumption by up to 10% by anticipating
traffic conditions ahead and adjusting the speed accordingly, and
avoiding tailgating and thus unnecessary braking and acceleration.
Accelerations and decelerations waste fuel. Braking and abrupt stops
can be minimized by not following too closely and slowing down
gradually when approaching a red light. It takes up to six times as
much fuel to move a car from a dead stop than it does for one moving at
just a few km/h.

9) Avoid strong acceleration
The fuel consumption remains at a minimum during steady driving at a
moderate speed of about 90km/h. Keep in mind that every time the
accelerator is hard pressed, t! he engine goes into a "fuel-enrichment"
mode of operation that wastes fuel.The vehicle should always be
gradually and smoothly accelerated. Using cruise control on highways
can help maintain a constant speed and reduce fuel consumption.

10) Minimise aerodynamic drag
Additional parts on the exterior of a vehicle such as roof racks and
spoilers, or having the window open, Roof racks are bad for fuel
economy increases air resistance and fuel consumption, in some cases by
over 20%.

11) Don't let your engine idle
Minimize fuel wasted in idling by stopping the engine whenever your car
is stopped or held up for an extended period of time. Idling more than
a minute consumes much more fuel than restarting the engine. By having
the engine switched off, you will save more fuel than is lost from the
burst of fuel involved in restarting the engine. The net increased wear and tear from this practice is negligible.

12) Use the air-con sparingly
Air conditioners can use about 10 per cent extra fuel when operating.
However, at speeds of over 80 km/h, use of air conditioning is better
for fuel economy than an open window


Ms Lola said...

lg satu:
kurangkan makan nasi. kalau boleh makan nasi seminggu sekali aja. dpt kuruskan badan! ;)

cysev3n said...

mak suka tang bukak 1 lampu je.. keh keh keh.. dgn letrik pun nak naik ni..

Crazee Choc's said...

aduhai.....adakah kenaikan petrol mampu menguruskan aku? kite tunggu dan lihat....
maka.... kami yg keje kilang ni kena la makan nasi subsidi kat kantin.. dah tak leh pi aneka.....

Ms Lola said...

hah, tang letrik naik tu aku baru tau pg td. hape la aku nih. ada chance saham naik nih. heheheh

knv said...

depa pandai la suruh orang jimat cermat. cuba suruh depa yang buat dulu. haa... mau panas satu badan!

Fid said...

depa tau ka berjimat????


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